David Goodger
David Goodger
Managing Director, Europe & Middle East

Oxford Economics

United Kingdom

David Goodger leads Oxford Economics’ work in tourism forecasting and economic impact analysis sector as Director of Tourism Economics in Europe.

David has been instrumental in developing Oxford Economics’ tourism forecast models and continues to manage regular database updates. These areas include the global tourism database of tourism flows and spending, covering 185 countries; the global city travel database of 300 cities; the air passenger forecast database; the hotel performance forecast models developed in conjunction with STR; and custom forecast models for specific destinations or groups. David has led Tourism Economics' analysis of the importance of online interactions for evolving tourism behavior for a range of well-known on-line travel businesses. He regularly presents the economic and tourism outlook to client groups and conferences. 

David was educated at the University of Bristol, England, where he gained a degree in Economics with Statistics; and at the London School of Economics and Political Science, England, where he graduated with an MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics. 

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Main Agenda

This keynote presentation will peer through the looking glass to determine what airlines should expect in the year ahead.

  • What would a recession mean for airlines?
  • Will passenger demand stay bouyant?
  • What is the outlook for fuel price and oil?
  • Understanding the macroeconomic view on inflation and interest rates.
David Goodger
Managing Director, Europe & Middle East, Oxford Economics